Cubby’s training is based upon proven techniques, using a variety of positive reinforcement approaches based upon the personality of each dog. We individualize each training experience to provide a safe and effective training environment for every dog.

At Cubby’s, we believe the proper training enriches the life of our dogs and enhances the relationship between our canines and their parents. Our professional trainers can help you with your dog’s education transforming them into a content, well-mannered member of the family.

Our Training Philosophy

Cubby’s training is based upon proven techniques, using a variety of positive reinforcement approaches based upon the personality of each dog. We use your dog’s individual motivations to provide the best learning possible learning outcomes for each dog in our programs.

Group Classes

We offer Basic and Advanced obedience classes as well as Agility, Therapy Dog and more! Check out the class descriptions and our Training schedule below for details.

Cost: 6 Week group Classes - $175 / 4 Week Group Classes - $125

Private Sessions

Private lessons are a great way to intensely focus on specific behavior problems, enhance results with a stubborn dog, or supplement the training that you are doing with your dog in classes or during home training sessions. Private lessons are entirely customizable to your needs, personality, and the dog/handler team’s working style and can be done in-home or at Cubby’s.

Cost: session - $125 / In-Home - $125

3 Session Package: - $345

5 Session Package: - $575

Stay & Train

No time to train your dog? Why not let a pro handle it for you? While you are busy working or running errands, leave your dog in daycare and we will work with your dog for you. A 30-minute intensive training session will focus on specific commands as designated by you. After every session, you will receive a report of what we did during the session and how you can integrate practice sessions into your daily life in order to reinforce training.

Cost: session - $45

Group Classes:

Some dogs are relaxed in new and different settings or approaching unusual objects and surfaces, but other dogs build stress in these same situations. Dogs that build stress may act out with unwanted behaviors like barking, lunging, and growling, while others may shake in fear, try to flee, freeze, or hide. All of these negative reactions to stress can be re-mediated with focused training, which then helps that dog live a happier, more well-adjusted life. In this class we will expose dogs to objects like umbrellas, kiddie pool, wobble board, tunnel, and jumps. We will teach you exercises and techniques you will need to help your dog be brave in any situation!

Cost: 125.00
The adult basic class is designed to teach adult or adolescent dogs foundation-level obedience, including the commands sit, down, stay, come, leave-it, as well as polite leash manners and greetings with people and other dogs. Problem solving and troubleshooting for basic nuisance behaviors will be addressed as needed. Treats and positive reinforcement techniques are used to teach good manners. This class is open to all dogs over four months of age who are people and dog friendly.

Pre-Requisite: None
Cost: $175
Upcoming Classes: Thursday, 6/13 - 6:30 PM
The Beyond Basic class builds upon foundation commands which were learned in adult basic classes and work towards reliability and consistency with dog behavior. Specifically focusing on adding duration and distance with commands and achieving off-leash control of our dogs and working with distractions.

Pre-Requisite: Dogs must have completed Adult Basic or be fluent in basic obedience commands including sit, down, stay, come, and heel.
Cost: $175
Upcoming Classes: Thursday, 6/13 - 7:30 PM
Have you found yourself running down the street in your slippers in a futile chase to get your dog back in the house? Are you known to plead with your dog at the dog park to stop dancing around you and just let you put his leash on? Does your dog listen better to the word ‘Cookie’ than he does ‘Come’? Then this class is for you! Recall Bootcamp is a special, 4-week class which will show you how to effectively teach and enforce a strong recall in your dog. In this class, several different techniques will be taught and practiced, and we will teach recalls through many distractions like other dogs, squirrels, and other people.

Pre-Requisite: None
Cost: $125.00
Agility training is wonderful for any dog who needs to burn excess energy, build confidence, or is just looking for something new to do! This fun and interactive 6-week course will introduce your dog to basic agility obstacles and concepts including; tunnels, jumps, and contact obstacles (dog walk, table, etc…). In class, we will also talk about obstacle sequencing and send-outs. There will be many opportunities for your dog to practice obstacles while in class.

Pre-Requisite: Adult Basic obedience (or comparable). Dogs must have a good knowledge of basic commands especially stay and recall. Dogs should not be reactive to other dogs or people.
Cost: $175.00
This class will practice all of the exercises that your dog will need to perform in order to certify for pet therapy work.
Pre-Requisite: Dogs must have passed the Adult Basic level class or equivalent.Cost: $160.00

Current Training Schedule:

Basic Obedience
Date: 10/1
Time: 6:30PM
Duration: 6 Weeks
Cost: $175
PE Class (Intro to agility & Fitness Equipment)
Date: 10/1
Time: 7:30PM
Duration: 4 Weeks
Cost: $125
Basic Obedience
Date: 11/12
Time: 6:30PM
Duration: 6 Weeks
Cost: $175
Beyond Basic
Date: 11/12
Time: 7:30PM
Duration: 6 Weeks
Cost: $175
Private Session Packages
3 Session Package: : $345
5 Session Package : $575
Stay & Train
Cost: $45/session

New to Cubby’s Canine Castle?

Want to get your dog enrolled? Simply fill out our new client enrollment form and one of our staff will contact you.


Tails of Joy From Our Clients

“I have been a client of Cubby’s since Sarah first started her business some 17, or so, years ago. As my life has changed over the years, Cubby’s has been there to provide services to meet the ever-changing needs for me and my dog. When I take beloved pet to Cubby’s, I know she will be well taken care of, safe and in fact, a little spoiled!
Two of my dogs have enjoyed being at Cubby’s whether for daycare, grooming, boarding or training. Each service provides individual care and attention to the client’s needs. I have found that Sarah and her staff are attuned to my dog’s needs and do their best to accommodate.

Ande, Cubby’s Client since 2007