House Manners

If you feel like your dog is a crazy, wild animal and not a pet at your home or when visitors come over, Cubby’s House Manners class can help you! This class is a four week boot-camp of some basic skills that your dog may need to polish up, new skills to help you around the house e.g. more advanced leave-it and stay work. This class will also address problems like when a dog is fearful or angry when visitors come over. Through this class you will learn how to train your dog to stay polite around the house.

Pre-Requisite: None

Training Registration Form


Monday thru Friday
6:45 AM to 7:00 PM

8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

(Boarding Pick-up & Drop-off Only)
9:00 AM to Noon

Memorial Day through Labor Day Only (Boarding Pick-up Only) 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM