Recall Bootcamp

Have you found yourself running down the street in your slippers in a futile chase to get your dog back in the house? Are you known to plead with your dog at the dog park to stop dancing around you and just let you put his leash on? Does your dog listen better to the word ‘Cookie’ than he does ‘Come’? Then this class is for you! Recall Bootcamp is a special, 4-week class which will show you how to effectively teach and enforce a strong recall in your dog. In this class, several different techniques will be taught and practiced, and we will teach recalls through many distractions like other dogs, squirrels, and other people.

Pre-Requisite: None

Cost: $125.00

Training Registration Form


Monday thru Friday
6:45 AM to 7:00 PM

8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

(Boarding Pick-up & Drop-off Only)
9:00 AM to Noon

Memorial Day through Labor Day Only (Boarding Pick-up Only) 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM